This is Brewfest. We encourage beer drinkers to bring some of your personal favorites and share with your neighbors. We will have beer , some juice boxes and water on hand. Please bring your own preferred items if needed. There will be little cooler space so please plan accordingly. Located in the pool parking lot. Pot luck style food. Please bring an item to share.
Fun for the kids will be provided by a giant moon bounce with slide. We will be running the moon bounce like the swimming pool. On the hour, the first 15 minutes will be reserved for children under three years old and any special needs children. The remaining 45 minutes are open play time for all.
This event is for good standing KCHOA members. Please, no outside guest without special approval.
In the event of rain the show will go on unless thunderstorms and lightning. If rain only occurs please bring pop up tents if available. Unfortunately the moon bounce would be rescheduled for rain or high winds.